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Golden Pagoda Travel &
Road to Mandalay

We are a group of ECO-Aware Companies registered since 1998 in Myanmar (Burma) as Road to Mandalay Ltd and Golden Pagoda Travel Ltd and in the UK as Road to Mandalay Ltd. We offer Travel services within Myanmar and export handcrafted products from the towns and villages of Myanmar to worldwide destinations; we also have our own ceramic pottery factory in Yangon and participate in Myanmar-related business ventures.

We have always been proud of our activities in Myanmar through which we endeavour to bring  Health, Wealth & Happiness to the people of Myanmar. The nationalities of the owners of the Companies are Myanmar, British and Singaporean.

If you need further information about our products or services, or just want to know more about Beautiful Myanmar please contact us using one of the methods below - we look forward to hearing from you soon!!

By email: [email protected]

By telephone: +95-1-383395 Mon to Fri: 01:30 to 10:30 GMT (UTC)

By Skype: goldenpagoda

By fax: +1-815-3013378

By snailmail:

48 Oak Road
Apt D3
Shwe Nantha Quarter
Bahan Township
Union of Myanmar

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We Take Good Care of You!!